Monday 4 September 2017

Undermine in a sentence

How to use undermine in a sentence? What is the meaning of undermine? Can a person undermine authority? Chloe hoped that her allergies were not going to undermine her ability to perform in the recital.

When engineers came to examine the cracks in the structure of the building, they discovered that years of flooding had worked to undermine the foundation. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.

Undermine in a sentence 1. He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence. The constant criticism was beginning to undermine her. As for those who strive against Our revelations, seeking to undermine them-for them is a punishment of a painful plague. The first chapters of Romans are written in a way to undermine any religion that is based on our good works or efforts. With cynical cruelty, he set himself to insult, to undermine , to mutilate it.

Indulgence, however, should not be too frequent, lest it debilitate the pair and undermine their health. Straffor The wind that saps these walls can undermine Your camp in Scotlan too.

And Evaluate efforts by global organizations to undermine U. This wastefulness can undermine the health system as a whole by draining funds needed for other essential services. Hume believed that four factors undermine the credibility of reports of miracles. An example of to undermine is digging a space under a walkway for irrigation.

That seeke to undermine my secrecie. Omar is apt to undermine a strong purpose. She never misses a chance to undermine her.

This may need to be supported by actual action likely to undermine public confidence in the exchange. Spreading the benefits too thinly, however, might undermine the viability of the most needy practices. To expand on that, Washington seems to think that helping Israel keep up non-nuclear appearances might make Israel less inclined to once again undermine the Israel-Palestine peace process.

The boys borrowed these and went to work to undermine the big stone. Such association is enough to undermine the morals of a saint, in a week or two. It is not in the power of events to undermine the felicity of the. Your continued inability to quit smoking will only undermine our efforts to treat your heart disease.

Chinchillas live in burrows, and these subterranean dwellings undermine the ground in some parts of the Chilean Andes to. Having thus disposed of the. If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.

Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.

Tips for Using undermine in a Sentence. You may have an easier time writing sentences with undermine if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. Frequent Predecessors. Words that often come before undermine in sentences.

For example: to undermine or would undermine : 4. Examples of to undermine in a sentence : 1. How can you use “ undermine” in a sentence ? Use undermine in a sentence. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. I am not the one to undermine the propriety of Senor Don Quixote, for it strikes me that among his many virtues the one that is pre-eminent is that of modesty.

Synonym Discussion of undermine.

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