The Department does provide statutory declaration templates for the sponsor and the partner visa applicant but you don’t have to use these. The considerations which are raised in the Department’s template statutory declarations are the factors which the case officer needs to take into consideration when assessing your relationship and application. That our relationship is genuine and continuing. Insert the name, address and occupation of person making the declaration.
What is statutory declaration for partner visa? Do I need a personal statement for my partner visa application? The book is a walkthrough of the immigration process and includes partner visa checklists, worksheets, templates and sample statutory declarations as well as sample completed application forms. It is only a statement, it is certainly not a decider!
Well I will just stay in my niéve bubble and keep believing they just wanted a bit of help on a difficult process which could possibly change the rest of their lives. It has helped us so much. Today I got correspondecne from immigration that I not only got my subclass 8visa approved but also my subclass 8visa as well.
A description of how you became aware of our relationship, when you met the other partner , activities we participated in together, etc 3. The most secure digital platform to get legally binding, electronically signed documents in just a few seconds. Available for PC, iOS and Android. Statutory declaration partner visa word. Start a free trial now to save yourself time and money! I would just like to state that we are very much in love with one another and our de facto relationship is genuine, and i have added a statutory declaration to support this.
Below are some example declarations that a lender may ask you to provide. My birth certificate shows my name as John. Form 8is the form completed by people willing to be supporting witnesses to a partner class visa application. Please share your comments with me.

All were witnessed and had certifie colour copies of their passports attached. Evidence Couple are Living Together. One of those documents is very.
Again, the statutory declaration comes into play here, so it is important to provide a complete picture of the relationship in both the micro and macro, in the short term and long term. Learn about our famous $9DIY Partner Visa Package - lodge your own visa application with our expert guidance and save thousands of dollars. Below is background information you must understand first before you start. Australia at the time of witnessing.

Published February. Examples of how statutory declarations are used. Example 2: Making a declaration as an authorised representative of a business. Model of statutory declaration.
In the matter of the Canada Business Corporations Act and. Sample statutory declaration. The declaration must be in the approved format outlined in Schedule of the. While he was on that visa , we submitted the paperwork (online) for the temporary partner visa. When the tourist visa ran out, because the paperwork had been submitted online, he was automatically given a Bridging Visa which allowed him to work.

Visitor Visa (subclass 600) Application document Checklist: A more straight forward checklist. Use both this and the above to make sure you have everything. You can use this form as a basis for your own application.
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