Plants and Animals of the Great Barrier Reef. Common Animals: Fish. What plants live in coral reefs? There are over 5species of fish in the Great Barrier Reef. Damselfish , wrasses, and tusk fish are among the most abundant fish on the reef.
Fifteen species of seagrasses grow in the Great Barrier Reef. Seagrasses are true plants (unlike seaweed and algae ) with roots, flowers , and seeds. Marine Mammals More than species of marine mammals are found along the Great Barrier Reef. Whale it self is a marine mammals that live in the sea, and they usually appear in the sea water surface to breath.
In fact, this reef is visible from space. As you might have guesse this massive organism provides food and shelter to a large number of animals. This plant has a scientific name of Coccoloba uvifera and people also known this plant as baygrape. Sea grapes can live until 1m depth and usually live in the muddy areas. Usually this plant will live adjacent the coral reef.
In the Great Barrier Reef there is a particularily cute and goofy looking marine animal called the duogong. Historically, sailors were known to mistake duogongs that they saw swimming underneath the water for mermaids! Fish adapt to the great barrier reef due to the structure of the coral reefs , with their many hiding places. Fish found in the coral reefs also have bright colouring to help them with camouflage.
From single celled algea to the very large Minke whale. All together, there are 5species of marine fish, 3species of hard corals, 6species of echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers), and 5species of seaweed. Learn about new Great Barrier Reef experiences, the latest holiday package deals and exclusive offers.
Australian owned and operated Barrierreefaustralia. When mammals are spotted in coral reefs, they are usually visiting to feed. Some of the most common mammals in coral reefs include dolphins with species such as the spinner dolphin and bottlenose being common in the Great Barrier Reef.
Within the Great Barrier Reef , a few species of whales are also found such as the humpback and Dwarf Minke whales. All Images courtesy of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. They provide a place for small animals to live.
They stabilize sediment to help keep the water clear. All flowering plants are angiosperms. Phytoplankton are also one of the marine plants. They are the only flowering plants in the ocean.
They serve as food for krill and the coral. We work to protect marine animal species that are threatene iconic or at risk. By working closely with the state and federal government and the community, threats to species can be identified and appropriate management actions can occur.

In order to collect the sunlight needed for photosynthesis, plants in coral reefs have larger cells. Plants have also created many symbiotic relationships with other animals in order to survive. Examples include:-Zooxanthellae lives inside the polyps in coral.
The white-bellied sea.
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