What does confide in Me Mean? It would be a relief, thought she, if I ventured to confide what I am feeling to someone. Do you confide in her? Felipa slowly shook her hea obviously contemplating whether it was wise.
I often confide my secrets to my best friend because I know she will not tell them to anyone. During his visit to the church, George decided to confide to the priest in the confessional booth. In fact, she had very strong urge to confide in a friend about her unfortunate situation regarding the duke.
She was the only teacher that Katie had ever felt comfortable enough to confide in. We may confide in each other. Confide in a sentence. To know that in you I confide.
Surely Sadie would confide in. There was nobody I dared confide in. She would be too ashamed to confide in the abbess about how she was ravished by a stranger.
We cannot confide wholly in our own powers. He dared not confide the secret to his family. If you confide in someone , you tell them a secret.
I knew she had some problems in her job because she had confided in me. Both confide in and confide to are use but they are different in meaning and when placed in the sentence. But it is worth mentioning that the phrasal verb confide goes usually with the preposition in, and it is actually an idiom.
Here Ngram shows that. You can confide in me. Use confide in a sentence 1. Polo is my life, he confides. How to use confided in a sentence.

She did not confide the state of her heart. Mayo had an urge, one he confided to his buddies. He had been tempted to confide in Ansell. The wife’s confidence in her husband was shattered after she discovered his affair. The shy girl’s lack of confidence in herself caused her to miss out on many opportunities.
A recent win helped increase the struggling team’s confidence. Example Sentences: 1. Joe was hesitant to confide personal information to strangers. As the two sisters were not close, they didn’t confide deep secrets to each other. A physician cannot properly treat a patient who refuses to confide in him.
I listen to it and I just kind of confide in certain people and I mush together everything. After reading your nonsensical rant, I seriously doubt that anyone would confide in you again! The confide list of example sentences with confide.
English dictionary definition of confide. To tell in confidence: confided a secret to his friend. To give as a responsibility or put into.
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