Friday, 29 June 2018

Best way to read a book and remember it

With analytical reading , you read a book thoroughly. How to choose a good book? More so than that even, you read a book according to four rules, which should help you with the context and understanding of the book.

Classify the book according to subject matter. State what the whole book is about.

Be as brief as possible. List the major parts in order and relation. Whenever he reads a book, he merges that.

Being familiar with the general themes, Klemm says, will help you remember the particulars. The only way in which to remember things is to treat the book on the subject you must sit as though it were a script for a play. Some were much better than I remember, such as Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird. Huckleberry Finn was simply awful.

The first book , City of Bones , is being.

One of the best ways to remember what you read is to find opportunities to use it. Talk to a friend about it, share thoughts online, write a synopsis and discuss it with someone who doesn’t know the book. Any and all applications will help you turn these ideas into memories. As you are reading a book, write your chapter summary right at the end of the chapter.

If your reading session is over, this helps synthesize what you just read. When you pick up the book tomorrow start by reading the previous two chapter summaries to help prime your mind to where you are in the book. But, when you have 5books on your plate it’s worth taking the time to determine whether or not the book warrants all that reading.

You only have so many hours before your exam, after all. The conclusion (and introduction) will also give you clues as to where the information is in the book — or at least the important information. For me, the best way to remember more of any book I read is a very simple concept: Reading it again.

The second time through a book is ALWAYS better than the first time through because you know what to expect. When you spot related chapters or ideas in books , find ways to connect them. Highlight them, write notes, or clip the sections that are related.

Taking notes by hand is an especially valuable way to help you remember important concepts. Method One: Locations, Non-verbatim. As you cannot predict how many locations you might nee be prepared to add some more.

You may want to use a very light pencil mark to underline certain words that you want to remember.

If you own the book , follow up with a pencil. This is helpful if you find that there are several important points on one page. Once you have finished reading, go back to your flags. Re- read each passage that you have marked. As I mentioned in my giant note-taking guide, Cornell Notes is the absolute best way to take notes if you want to remember something better.

Take Cornell Notes while reading. Here’s a preview of how it looks like. Reading a textbook chapter front to back ensures that you will waste time. I know it’s counter-intuitive to not read a book front to back, but don’t do it. Mystery novels stink when you read the back first, as do good thriller movies.

The to these questions will give you a foundation to build on and something which you’re looking to get out of the book. This means you’re not just reading without an objective, but instead you’re actively looking to learn something from the book. The more you repeat, the more you remember. Pick up the book again and go through all your notes.

Most of these will be garbage but there will be lots you want to remember. Write the good stuff on the inside cover of the book along with a page number. Optional) Copy out the excerpts by hand or take a picture of them to pop into Evernote.

Sit close together. You could encourage your child to hold the book themselves and turn the pages, too. You don’t just have to read the words on the page.

Maybe there’s something funny in the pictures that you can giggle about together, or perhaps your child enjoys guessing what will happen next.

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