Simplified Admnistrative Procedures for Individuals Requiring an ETA for Canada. Do you need a visa to work holiday makers? What is the working holiday visa?
Medicare is available to backpackers, tourists and working holiday makers from an array of certain countries. Thought not normally spoken about getting a medicare card is an important part of your working holiday, especially if you plan on staying in Australia with a second year visa. Below you will find all the basic information to under how to apply for a medicare card and if you’re eligible or not. ENROL FOR MEDICARE. Check your Medicare entitlements on the Medicare website.
Download a Medicare Enrolment Form. Irish and NZ travellers do not need to enrol). If your application is approve.
However, coverage is lower than that provided to Australian citizens, which means Medicare only covers essential care. Nationals of these countries can benefit from Medicare. Note that in certain situations coverage is completely excluded (accidents that occur while working for instance).
HIF Basic Working Visa – A$824. Hospital Excess: A$5per admission. Another basic health insurance for a Working Holiday Visa , HIF’s offers admission to both public and private hospitals for a shared room.
Other extras are include such as pregnancy-related services and psychiatric care, but only after a month waiting period.